take your life back



This punch is when you finally decide to fight back, to pick yourself up off the canvas and start punching back at life. Remember, failing is only eliminating options for success. The only failure you face in life is when you stop moving, when you quit on yourself. So, jab, jab, jab, jab, and jab again. Step into your purpose and Stay Focused.


This punch is finally letting go, dropping the heavy weight of the past that most people like to hold on to. This requires brutal honesty, courage, and self-forgiveness. By breaking the hold that our past has on us, we will develop clearer thinking. This helps us to make better daily decisions. From this day forward, our future lies on the positive choices that only we alone can make. Letting go of our past is probably our most difficult challenge, because that is what haunts us the most. With diligence and determination, we can focus on our daily lives, and work to build a legitimate and attainable game plan for the future.


This punch is Creating positive daily routines that will slowly push out our negative thoughts and habits. By using our hook, we can put ourselves on a positive trajectory with purposeful focused actions. The hook will help to create positive micro-habits. This begins the process of letting go of our negative habits, the ones we have embedded in our minds. By becoming more focused on goal setting and, by creating the daily routines to effectively reach our goals, we can experience fulfillment in our lives, at unimaginable levels.


Now, my favorite punch–the UPPERCUT (Knowing Who is in your Corner.) This punch is all about honest teamwork. Ask yourself, “Who are your advocates, your supporters, the ones who truly care about you?” There is no doubt in my mind, we need the right people in our corner, the people in our lives who will support us through the thick and the thin. Imagine this, the whole world as being one huge boxing ring, and we are in the fight of our lives. Between the seasons and the storms of life itself, we need the right encouragement to help keep us focused and prepared for the battles that we will face.


NOW, back to the KNEES. I love using my knees and mixing them in with my four punch combinations. That’s what I do, I use my knees, and I pray. I pray to GOD for the strength and for the courage to stay in the fight. GOD is the winning factor in any fight, any challenge we face. HE has worked miracles for millions of others, including myself…and HE will continue to do so. HE will NEVER stop.


Joining the family means truly being part of a tribe that looks forward to tackling their biggest issues without fear. The best part is that through God all things are possible. You just have to decide to fight.

Believe You Have a Purpose

You were made on purpose, for a purpose. You were handcrafted with great intention, by a loving Creator who has had a plan for you since the beginning of time. Every fiber in your being knows this is true. There’s a place for you — you just need to find it!

Righteousness Restored

We are all in the same situation, born with a sin nature and unable to make ourselves righteous. But in Romans 1:17, Paul says, ”The righteous shall live by faith.” Christianity is not about earning righteousness, it’s about receiving the righteousness of Jesus “by faith.” It’s not about who we are, it’s about who He is. 

Discover Who You Are

Who were you made to be? That’s what we’re here to discover.

Discover What You Want

God uses our deepest desires to call us in His desired direction. Many spiritual traditions teach us to be suspicious of our natural passions, because they’re likely prompted by the world and our fleshly drives. But when we give our lives to Christ, the Spirit inside us creates the desires of our heart. 

Choose Without Certainty

We want to know without a doubt what we’re supposed to do next. We’d often rather continue plodding down a familiar path than risk making a decision that could send us in a new, uncertain direction. Let’s change the narrative.

Take Action

Activating your calling requires action. When God calls us into the unknown, it’s not time to stand still. It’s time to start moving.

i believe in you.

Changing is incredibly hard, but making the decision to fight is the step to take to start the greatest journey to self discovery and healing you will ever take.